How Solar Panels Work to your benefit.

The term solar panel is used quite broadly to cover a variety of different systems – some heat your water like solar thermal or solar thermodynamic and others like Solar PV (photovoltaic panels) produce electricity.

We focus on Solar PV

Solar PV produces its energy from the photons and radiation levels in the sun not the direct sun rays. These panels absorb the energy from the sun to produce DC current.

This is then passed to the invertor which converts DC power to AC power and is fed directly into your Distribution Board reducing the electricity consumption of the house.

Once your usage/needs are met, any surplus energy produced will be used to charge your battery or heat your water using a hot water diverter.

If there is any excess energy produced it will be sent to the national grid.

You get paid for any excess sent back to the grid. Each utility supplier varies on their rates but generally, it is around 20c per unit!

In 2023 the VAT for domestic solar panel installation was reduced to 0% bringing the average installation costs down reducing the average return on investment to about to 6 years.